Fuel Proof 1500 litre bunded fuel tank c/w 12 volt pump with auto shut off, own battery and display.
GT Bunning single axle fast tow bunded fuel bowser c/w 12 volt pump with gauge and 185/70 R13 wheels and tyres. 1000 litre capacity.
Orsi Leveling 135 hydraulic lifting platform for fruit harvesting c/w box lifting arms.
Aluminium work platforms/access gantries. Two available. Previously used for erecting polytunnels but would also suit vehicle washing etc. Price per platform.
Uniforest 35E 3 point linkage mounted winch. 3.5 ton capacity. 70 metre winch cable.
Compair Demag SC40-2 130cfm 3 outlet road tow compressor c/w Deutz 3 cylinder diesel engine. Hours: 1776
Neolith diesel jetting unit c/w hydraulic hose reel. Ex Council ownership.
Safe T Pro pull tow bar and attachment bracket. Unused condition (new price $5400.00).